Not Just Algorithms
But Human Intelligence
AI Computer Vision

Analyze, classify, and recognize the world's data like a human for your machine-learning models with Stelets. Our human annotators train advanced algorithms to capture and process visual, audio, video, or textual data in a more human-like way.

Machines can see, but we make them think like humans.

Make your data useful and intelligent for more complex machine-learning algorithms. Train your system with comprehensive and accurate custom datasets that mimic human intelligence.

3D Reconstruction

Visualize the world in a whole new dimension for better decision-making. We provide machines with depth perception by creating 3D models and reconstructing objects from real-world images.

Object Detection

From identifying everyday objects to complex images, our human annotators precisely tag and classify visual data.  Detection, localization, and segmentation are just a few of our capabilities.

Robotics Vision

Teach robots to navigate and interact with the physical world by providing them with visual perception. We develop custom algorithms and datasets to enable machines to see, recognize, and respond like you.

Data Types We Work With

  • Text Data Annotation

    Annotate text data for NLP models from sentiment analysis to named entity recognition.
  • Video Data Annotation

    Frame-by-frame annotation for action recognition, activity detection, and video analysis models.
  • Image Data Annotation

    Label images for image classification, semantic segmentation, and object detection tasks.
  • Audio Data Annotation

    Transcribe and annotate multi-lingual and dialect data for speech recognition and voice-controlled AI systems.
  • Geo -Location Data Annotation

    Label and annotate geo-location data for mapping, navigation, and location-based AI systems.

Let's make AI smarter with human-like intelligence

The Verticals We Serve

Stelets-A fusion of human creativity and Technology

The team at Stelets

The professionals at Stelets are not just programmers who write code to solve problems. They solve puzzles and crack codes to create systems that make life easier.

Global impact

Stelets has a global presence, with clients from all over the world. The team believes in using technology to bridge gaps and connect people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Innovation at its core

Innovation is the driving force behind everything we do at Stelets. We constantly challenge ourselves to think outside the box and come up with new, creative solutions for our clients.

Industry-leading standards

We set high standards for ourselves and our work. On top of that, we learn and adapt as technology advances.

What our clients say about us: